Narberth Nobbler for Kids

Thanks to all who took part in our 2018 event. 

Sponsored by Liz’s Bakery, Narberth

Is your child fast enough to catch the WOLF?!

Come and find out on Saturday. Entry to the event is FREE and we have super bling medals for all race finishers. The medals are kindly sponsored by Liz’s Bakery in Narberth.

All races will take part in Narberth Rugby Club.We’re doing separate races for each year group in primary school. Please enter your child in the year group they were in in the last academic year (i.e. the year group they were in last week, not in September).


Registration will open in the rugby club at 4pm. Registration will be open all day, but please register your child in a timely manner before their race. You will need to fill in a simple form and you will be given a coloured wrist band for your child. We will be calling out wrist band colours to organise the races.

Children must be accompanied by a parent at all times. You may also run the race with your child, but is not mandatory.


All pre year 1 children – 1 lap – Start pen at 5:00pm / Race at 5:05pm.


Year 1 – 1 lap – Start pen at 5:05pm / Race at 5:10pm.


Year 2 – 2 laps – Start pen at 5:10pm / Race at 5:15pm.


Year 3 – 2 laps – Start pen at 5:15pm / Race at 5:25pm.


Year 4 – 3 laps – Start pen at 5:25pm / Race at 5:35pm.


Year 5 – 4 laps – Start pen at 5:40pm / Race at 5:50pm.


Year 6 – 4 laps – Start pen at 5:50pm / Race at 6.00pm.

We’re looking forward to seeing you all.

Postal Entries & Concessions

For information on post entries please view this page.

If you want to raise money for our charities or your own, you can download a sponsor form here.

Join the community

Registred charity no. 1182417