There are two types of people. Talkers and porkers. Which one are you?
We’ll see next Saturday.
You’ll find below some useful information, as well as the rules of the event. The general rules of the event have been set out by none other than Lazurus Lake from the Barkley Marathons. Having a simple set of rules means that thousands of others around the world will go through the exact same experiences as you will on Saturday. Those taking to the start line of a Backyard Ultra event are part of a (reaaalllly weird) family.
Anyhoo, please read through this carefully.
Templeton AirfieldOn the A4115 between Templeton and Crosshands
Wahat3Words: ///dreading.hammer.messy
Google pin: https://goo.gl/maps/K3kknnwNAb9PGGZH9
8.30am- 9.30am Set up and registration
9.45am Race briefing at race start
10.00am First lap
11.00am Second lap
Repeat to fade
You won’t get a bib without a completed disclaimer. Please print off, complete and bring with you. No disclaimer, no run.
We have created a bespoke, automated live timing system for this event (web address will be sent out in due course). It relies entirely on the timing chip stuck to your race number. It is therefore important that the chip survives the the run! It will need to be pinned (better, a race belt) to the front of your top. It has to be here, no exceptions. If you’re not scanned in after each lap you will be DNF’d on our system.
The start pen will be adjacent to two of our large tents, these tents will be available for runners between laps. We are trying to ensure that parking for vehicles will be available as close as possible to the start (just trying to minimise those extra metres for your fatigued legs!). If you can then please buddy up and car share. Load your cars with anything you may need (kit, food, drink) as you will return to it every lap – its a luxury you don’t get in many races. You will be free to put up tents/shelters near the start too.
As you arrive you will be guided to a parking spot. We are intending to have two semi circles of cars. The inner circle will exit by driving forwards, the outer circles are reverse out to leave. The semi-circle layout is to allow each runners to be the same distance from the start area. If you have a tent to set up you can do this in the grassy areas or in front/behind your car. If you wish to park next to your buddy, you’ll need to arrive together.

The Route
…is a good mix of non established paths (this is a Nobbler event after all) as well as concrete runway and nice flowing single track. We have tweaked the course to try and keep it interesting, it would have been easy for us to create a route along the runways alone but concrete is a killer for legs and the airfield is pretty exposed so we have mixed it up a bit for you. It will be signed with signs and reflective tape for the night time section/s!!!.
What we will provide
Not a lot, some shelter, a burger, a beer, portaloos along with the opportunity to push yourself beyond what you think is possible…
The Rules…
Lazurus Lake’s Rules
As an officially sanctioned Backyard Ultra we will be following Mr Lake’s rules:
Rules for the Backyard Ultra
1) Course
. Loop or out and back
. Must be 4 miles 880 feet in length
. Metric equivalent 6.7056 kilometers
2) Starting Corral
. Measured to fit entire starting field
. Corral stays the same size thru out the event
. Participants must be in the starting corral at the bell
3) Starts
. Each loop starts precisely 1 hour after the last
. Warning must be given 3, 2, and 1 minutes prior to start
. All competitors must start at the bell (no late starts)
4) Loops
. Except for restrooms, competitor may not leave the course until each loop is completed
. No non-competitors on the course (including eliminated runners)
. No personal aid during a loop (common aid stations are allowed)
. Each loop must be completed within an hour to be counted… including the final lap.
. No artificial aids (including trekking poles)
. Slower runners must allow passes.
5) Timing
. Timing of the loops is optional
6) Winner/Results
. The winner is the last person to complete a loop
. All others are technically DNF
. Results of each runner in terms of distance covered are to be given.
. If no runner can complete one more loop than anyone else, there is no winner.
7) Cap
. Race must be open ended.(source: https://backyardultra.com/rules/)
Our Rules:
1. You are responsible for yourself, healthwise, fitnesswise, equipment wise
2. Littering = instant DQ
3. Cheating = instant DQ
4. Be kind
5. Be safe
6. Don’t be a dick
You must be in the pen at the start on the hour, not on the way to it but in it. This is finite, so don’t make us DNF you for being late. Once the bell goes on the hour you can’t go back to your support, you have to get out there.
These rules are set in stone. You are made aware of these before the race so that you have every chance to succeed, but they will be enforced to the letter. Please don’t put us in a position where we have to enforce them.
Who wins?
There is only one winner, male or female, young or old, there is only one and that is the person who completes one more lap than everyone else, it’s really that simple.The rest of you, DNFs!
What you need to bring
You will be responsible for all your nutrition and gear. Think how far you want to go, work out what food and drink you will need then double it! Please note we can’t allow BBQs or any solid fuel heaters, just camping stoves etc. to heat food. We should have some hot water for all your Pot Noodle needs though.
Coffee and tea will available BUT you will need to BRING YOUR OWN MUG.
Weather looks changeable, you will get wet out there, you will get cold so be prepared, bring plenty of spare changes of clothes, bring waterproofs, bring other waterproofs, bring spare shoes, bring everything… You must bring a head torch, spare and batteries. The 7pm lap (just over 40 miles in) will need a head torch. If you do not have a working torch for this lap and every lap from there till it gets light 12 hours later you will be pulled, DNFd, ejected and rejected. No debate, no questions.
We won’t be doing kit checks, it is up to you but if we feel that you are not prepared (such as no torch in dark) and will be a danger to yourself or to others then we will DNF you, please don’t put is in that position.
We would recommend you bring a chair to sit in, bring a sleeping bag in case you get cold, think worse case scenario weather wise and plan for that, whatever the forecast says.
We understand that you may want to bring someone to help you out, patch you up, force feed you pot noodles and kick you into the pen each hour which is ok.
Parking maybe limited so again, please car share, competitors will have priority in terms of parking closest to the start.
And we will see you on the Runway…