Are you ready for the 4x4x48?
Yes! The challenge is nearly upon us. Firstly, thanks for being part of the Nobbler Team for this challenge. This is a bit of a lengthy post, but it’s important you understand the rules and check in process. Please read the following carefully.
1. You must start each run on the 4 hour mark at the specified time. You cannot lump two together. So its clear, to complete the challenge you must start a 4 mile run/walk at:
8:00 PM, Friday, March 14
12:00 Midnight, Friday
4:00 AM, Saturday, March 15
8:00 AM, Saturday
12:00 Noon, Saturday
4:00 PM, Saturday
8:00 PM, Saturday
12:00 Midnight, Saturday
4:00 AM, Sunday, March 16
8:00 AM, Sunday
12:00 Noon, Sunday
4:00 PM, Sunday
2. You must login to the website and validate your run (see below/above) within 4 hours of that run commencing. If you don’t and the next 4 hour period starts then you will be timed out and be a DNF casualty.
3. Don’t cheat, this isn’t a race there are no medals or t shirts given out at the end, really, honestly, no one else gives a sh*t if you do this or not. This is about creating mental and physical toughness in yourself, you cheat, you’re only cheating yourself…
4. Having said that we will be randomly selecting entrants to supply evidence of their runs so keep your GPS going…
Check In
You have to check-in every time you finish a lap. To check in, you simply click the Check In button at the top of the progress page. Log in using your first name (as it appears in the progress list) and your email (all lowercase). Once logged in you will have three choices.
1. Completed It – Click this if you completed the lap and are continuing in the challenge.
2. Didn’t start it (DNS) – You failed to start the lap. Clicking this will end your challenge attempt.
3. Didn’t finish it (DNF) – You failed to complete the lap. Clicking this will end your challenge attempt.
You must check in before the next lap start time or you will automatically be declared out of the challenge.
If you are intending to post your progress on Instagram or Twitter, please let us know your addresses and we’ll add an icon next to your name in the progress chart – [email protected]
· Get organised beforehand, get you gear ready (lots of it), plan your nutrition and food; gels for 48 hours might be a bit much but also you probably might want to give the massive Sunday roast a miss…
· Plan your routes, plot a few 4 mile loops/out and backs to keep some variety.
· Buddy up with one or more runner. If you live in Narberth we’ll be planning meet-ups for each lap. At night this might be even more important….
· Stay safe, if you are running alone and don’t feel safe then treadmill it, if you don’t have a treadmill and aren’t happy to run at night alone then do 45 minutes of circuits, turbo, whatever, just get on it and stay honest.
· Do your admin for your next run when you get back from the last run so you don’t have to scrabble around in the dark at 3.55am for the second night in a row… Get organised and then rest…
· After 48 hours, kick back, have a beer/tea and thank your other half/family/dog or cat for putting up with you (and blame the Nobblers)…